Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - 18:30

Good Tuesday Evening,
Here is another update: While there is no start date as of yet, there is some news. My liaison said that the chatter was increasing big time around her office between her and her recruiting manager. She told me whenever that happens that something is about to break. She doesn't expect anything tomorrow, though it could happen, but she is circling Thursday between 3:00 and 5:00 pm CT as the most likely time. That's when she hears from Dell most. It is never in the mornings because that's when Dell has their meetings and then they contact the recruiter around midday or shortly thereafter. She keeps reiterating to me that Dell doesn't give a whole lot of notice, basically whenever they say go, you had better be ready to pounce in a hurry. In English, that means that I could know before the end of the day Thursday and start that very next Monday. There is a slight chance I could hear something on Wednesday, but she said the most likely time is late Thursday afternoon.
I still believe, but oddly enough, I am a lot more relaxed tonight than I was about 12-14 hours ago. I have confidence this is going to happen and it's going to happen soon.
Still, though, I do have a contingency plan ready to implement on Sunday should I not get a start date by Friday. That contingency plan involves the classified ads on Sunday and hitting the pavement and the phone on Monday.

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