Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 18:30

Happy Flag Day 2011!!  Day #2 of work is in the books and what a great day it was.  I listened to calls all day long today and I really learned a lot.  I have to learn a lot as training is only 2 weeks long, so we are technically 20% complete with training.  I will have one more day of listening to calls on Wednesday, and then hopefully will drive the computers while my trainer talks Thursday and Friday, then I hope to talk while my trainer drives Monday and Tuesday, and then talk and drive Wednesday-Friday next week while the trainer watches and listens.  I will be thrown out to the wolves on Monday, June 27, 2011.

I did find out something cool for the 4th of July.  Since it is a holiday, it will be voluntary working that day, so if I work, I will get that day's regular pay plus holiday pay which is an extra 8 regular hours on top of the regular pay.  So, in essence I will be getting paid for 48 regular hours on the week's paycheck while will be doled out on Friday, July 15.  Same will, of course, go for Labor Day.  I will most likely volunteer on the 4th of July because I've had enough days off the past 10 1/2 months.  I want to work!!  I can't say for sure about Labor Day, yet, since that is 2 1/2 months away, but as of right now I plan on working that day.

Right now, and for the next month to month and a half until about August 1, I will be taking calls for a hospital complex in Minneapolis.  Starting in late July or early August, I will be transferring to taking calls for MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I have also been told that while Dell was, and is, very slow to hire, they are very quick to advance people once they are on board.  I am on a 9-month contract-to-hire, but 9 months (270 days) is just the maximum that the contract can go.  I can be hired on to Dell badge as early as 5 or 6 months.  I've heard great things about the pay, too!!

I also found out why Dell is notoriously slow.  The government is involved in the hiring process, and the government has never been known for speed.  One gal who was hired on directly with Dell, applied last June and didn't start until November, a full 5 months.  I 'only' had to wait 2 1/2 months.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it so far, and I don't forsee it being too difficult.  It's a keeper!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011 - 19:00

Good Monday Evening!  Work night #2 is underway!  Day #1 was fantastic!!  For the next 9 business days, I will be working 7-4, instead of 8-5.  It is a call center environment, but the clients are not the general public.  They are all business clients and generally more professional in their discussion.  Occasionally, an irate caller will come across, but this is generally more professional and level-headed.  That will help a lot.  I will probably be working the 4th of July, but I will get double time for the 4th, if I do work.  That will add roughly $100 to my check.  Same goes for Labor Day.

Unfortunately, with having to go in at 7:00, I will have to be awake by 4:00.  It's going to be an EARLY start.  in fact, I'm going to hit the sack now so I can catch up on a little sleep.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 17:30

Work Night #1 is underway!! It began at 5:00 pm CT.  The beginning of the work night means 24 hours before work ends on day 1.  Since I will work 8-5 for a while, the work night began at 5:00 pm.

24 hours from now, I should be almost home.  The commute to and from work is only 15-20 minutes one way.

I am going to hit the sack around 10:00 pm tonight and get up at 4:45 am Monday. I want to leave by 6:50 am Monday so I can be to work by 7:05-7:10.  I like getting places exceptionally early as I always heed my Grandfather's advice to err on the side of being an hour early than a minute late.

Most mornings I can probably leave at 7:00 am, but since I have to be there by 7:45 Monday, I want to leave a few minutes earlier than I probably will on Tuesday.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011 - 21:00

Good Saturday Evening, Folks!!  As of 9:00 pm CT, I am 35 hours from beginning my first shift at Dell.  As of the same time, I am also 20 hours from my first work night of my new career, which will begin at 5:00 pm Sunday, June 12, 2011.  I called my liaison Friday afternoon just to make sure everything was still intact and that there was no hiccups or screw ups or back outs, and the coast is clear. :)  I'm officially headed for my first day of work the day after tomorrow!

First, though, I will be going to worship my God tomorrow morning before shifting my focus back to getting ready for work!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011 - 21:30

I am currently reading over my job description as I type this update and it looks like I won't be strictly phone tech support. I will doing a lot of e-mail support, as well as chat support, and even via remote access. That helps me out a bit knowing that while it is a call center, I won't be providing strictly phone support. I'm sure I'll be on the phones quite a bit, but if I'm reading it right, it won't be 100% phones, which is nice.
I was also looking at what I would actually be troubleshooting and they are all things I have done recently, and have been doing most of the last decade or more. Plus, it's only an entry-level technical support role with first-level support.
I'm really hoping with this job that, first of all, I can get hired on permanent, which should be sometime in March 2012 (9 month contract-to-hire). I'm also hoping that once on permanent, I will be able to move up the chain and even move around the country. If I did relocate, which I hope I can within the next 2 1/2 - 4 years, I should be able to move to Dell locations in Tennessee, Texas, North Carolina, Ohio, New Hampshire, or Idaho. Right now, though, my goal is just to get started, get my feet on the ground, and start making some money so I can pay

Thursday, June 14, 2011 - 12:30

Good Thursday afternoon!
I have tested out the route for the final time this morning. It is 11.25 miles one way, and 22.5 miles round trip. It should take me between 20 -25 minutes to get there in traffic or between 18-22 minutes without traffic. 8 miles of the road to work is interstate and 9 1/2 miles of the way home is interstate.
My father said last night that I have just given him one of the best Father's Day gifts and one of the best anniversary gifts that one could ask for (my parents 39th anni is June 25). That made me feel good.
You could say that this is my first legitimate job since Convergys died out on March 5, which by the time I start on June 13, will have seen 101 days elapse.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 13, 2011 - 21:30

I received the phone call of the official start date at 13:06 CT on Wednesday, June 8, 2011. I received the reporting instructions at 15:44 CT. Those are the exact times that was listed on my phone (13:06) and my e-mail (15:44).
The official start date is indeed Monday, June 13, 2011. I clarified that again a little later just to be sure I heard correctly, and to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and it was confirmed!!
This gives me 4 days to get things ready and I have a bunch of stuff to do. First off, I need to clean out my car tomorrow morning before it gets hot. Secondly, I need to finish my laundry tomorrow afternoon. Thirdly, I need to get the powerpoint ready for church on Sunday morning. Fourth, I need to get the oil changed in my car. Fifth, I have to get ready for a garage sale next week, and finally, I need to get to bed early Sunday night!!
My schedule for each day (Sunday night - Friday evening) will be similar to the following:
Sleep - 10:00 pm-4:45 am
Shower - 4:45 am - 5:15 am
Morning Bible Study - 5:15 am -5:45 am
Eat Breakfast - 5:45 am - 6:00 am
Watch the Morning News - 6:00 am - 6:45 am
Get ready to leave - 6:45 am - 6:55 am
Drive to Work - 6:55 am - 7:20 am
Prepare for Work - 7:20 am - 8:00 am
Work - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Drive Home - 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Dinner and Evening Activities - 5:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Get Ready for Bed - 9:45 pm - 10:00 pm
As for my job description: Yes, I will be on the phones, but it is not your run-of-the-mill call center. This position is not the normal Dell call center job. This is a specialized position that required a security clearance and, as we all know, required a BUNCH of patience - 9 1/2 weeks worth. As my Dad said today, though, this wait is finally worth it.
This will allow my mother to be able to retire by December. I've been waiting on a start date to my career and she is about to set an end date to her career.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - 13:30

The wait is over!!
The start date is officially Monday, June 13, 2011!!!
I got the phone call at 1:00 pm CT this afternoon, and she had just found out within a half hour before that!!
Dell finally came through for me!!
The last step now is she is going to send me the reporting instructions by e-mail as well as another copy of my job description so I can be studying my college textbooks and getting my mind ready for the tasks they give me!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - 11:30

Good Wednesday Midday!!
A little update. I called my liaison just a little bit ago and she is singing the same song as she was at the end of the day yesterday. She is saying that it could be today, but most likely tomorrow. She says the chatter is definitely increasing around the office and that usually means something is about to break! I'm definitely hopeful and positive she will get a start date by tomorrow. She said whichever day it is, it definitely won't be in the mornings as that is when Dell has their meetings. I will know most likely after 2:00 pm today or 2:00 pm tomorrow. My anxiety is very low today. I won't say it's nonexistent, because I would be lying. It's very, very low, though, a lot lower than the past two or three days.
The experience I have with my faith and what my faith has taught me through all of this is that God would not have brought me this far with Dell only to abandon me at the last minute, so I'm fully expecting Him to complete what He started.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - 18:30

Good Tuesday Evening,
Here is another update: While there is no start date as of yet, there is some news. My liaison said that the chatter was increasing big time around her office between her and her recruiting manager. She told me whenever that happens that something is about to break. She doesn't expect anything tomorrow, though it could happen, but she is circling Thursday between 3:00 and 5:00 pm CT as the most likely time. That's when she hears from Dell most. It is never in the mornings because that's when Dell has their meetings and then they contact the recruiter around midday or shortly thereafter. She keeps reiterating to me that Dell doesn't give a whole lot of notice, basically whenever they say go, you had better be ready to pounce in a hurry. In English, that means that I could know before the end of the day Thursday and start that very next Monday. There is a slight chance I could hear something on Wednesday, but she said the most likely time is late Thursday afternoon.
I still believe, but oddly enough, I am a lot more relaxed tonight than I was about 12-14 hours ago. I have confidence this is going to happen and it's going to happen soon.
Still, though, I do have a contingency plan ready to implement on Sunday should I not get a start date by Friday. That contingency plan involves the classified ads on Sunday and hitting the pavement and the phone on Monday.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011 - 01:15

Good Monday Morning!! I'm having trouble sleeping, mostly in anticipation for what I hope will be a life-changing phone call. I was told Friday afternoon that I will have a start date for Dell by the end of the day Monday. I was told that start date will most likely be Monday, June 13, 2011, one week from today, but it could even be moved up into this week. The sooner I can get started, the better. I am looking forward to beginning work and I have made every resolve I think is necessary to make this a long-lasting career, and without knowing what will happen in the coming years, I hope to make this the company I retire with in 30 years. I hope to be able to move elsewhere in this country with this company. It is a 9-month contract-to-hire through Adecco Government Solutions, so I will be officially on Dell's payroll sometime in the middle of March 2012.
Since we are starting the second week of June, I am starting to make preparations looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. One of my goals is really get serious and lose 30 lbs by mid-November, 5 months from now. I plan to start this week, and indeed already have a menu and exercise plan ready to implement.
That's about all the news for right now. As soon as I find out a start date and have told my family and friends, I will post another blog update with the start date and other details. So, expect another update either this evening or tomorrow morning!
Bye for now.